Rate Card

Our rate card outlines the advertising options available across Schools Week and FE Week, including digital display ads, newsletter sponsorships and digital edition placements. We’re committed to helping you achieve your goals with cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs. For those planning multiple campaigns or larger-scale activity, we offer the option to create customised packages with attractive discounts based on the volume of activity. Whether you’re promoting your brand or launching a new product or offer, our flexible options ensure your message reaches the right audience. Contact us to discuss your requirements and maximise the impact of your campaigns.
Online Adverts
From prominent banner ads strategically placed across our website to inclusion within our news emails, our advertising options ensure maximum visibility and engagement.
Leverage the power of our online platforms to connect with your target audience effectively and achieve your advertising goals.
Prices are listed per publication; package offers are available. Rates excluding VAT.
Background Takeover

1 Week | £3,950
4 Weeks | £14,000
A popular choice with our advertisers. On desktop, your advert will appear on both sides of the website. On mobile/tablet devices, it appears at the bottom of the screen.
One slot available per week

1 Week | £3,495
4 Weeks | £12,500
A new addition to our online advertising option. This slides into view when the user scrolls down through a certain % of the page. This will absolutely get the user’s attention.
One slot available per week

1 Week | £2,950
4 Weeks | £9,000
Sitting at the very top of the website, this will ensure that your advert is one of the first items users see when the visit.
Two slots available
per week
In-post banner

1 Week | £2,000
4 Weeks | £6,000
Sitting between the article’s featured image and the article, this will grab a user’s attention as they read the article.
One slot available
per week
Featured Button

1 Week | £1,500
4 Weeks | £3,500
This advertisement site sits to the right-hand side of our articles.
Featured Button
(inc Home)
1 Week | £1,950
4 Weeks | £5,000
Boost your featured button by adding exposure to the homepage.
Three slots available
per week
Online Advertorial

Online advertorials can be up to 2,000 words, but we recommend 650 words. We can feature up to 3 images, including the featured image. We can also embed any YouTube/Vimeo videos and links to other resources and websites. Online advertorials are published on Mondays and are listed in our weekly news email. They also receive 4 social media posts across all our channels.
Digital Edition Adverts
Adverts in our weekly edition in either Schools Week or FE Week are a great way of reaching our lovely subscribers.
We can place a hyperlink behind your advert to take readers directly to your website.
Editions are published on Fridays during term time (36 editions per year)
Prices are listed per publication; package offers are available. Rates excluding VAT.
Frontpage Strip

This advert sits at the bottom of the front page. Our front pages are shared across social media.
One slot available per edition
Half Page

Our half page adverts are placed underneath a news article.
Multiple slots available per edition
Full Page

A dedicated page in our weekly edition just for you.
Multiple slots available per edition
Edition + Online Advertorial

As well as receiving all the benefits of our Online Advertorial, this option also includes a full-page advertorial in a weekly edition of Schools Week or FE Week. The edition version of the advertorial can be up to 650 words and feature an image.
Newsletter Adverts
Our news emails are a valuable way to get your brand in front of some of our most keen readers. The emails are sent to individuals who have opted to receive updates from us either weekly or daily.
We don’t offer direct mailings to our database, but placing a banner advert within the top section of our news emails is proven effective for our advertisers.
Prices are listed per publication; package offers are available. Rates excluding VAT.
Daily News Email

£2,500 | One Week
Our Daily New Email is sent out at 17:30 on weekdays. It provides are most keen readers with a summary of that day’s news. Your advert is placed under our masthead and before the welcome message.
One slot available per wee.
Weekly News Email

£3,250 | One Week
Our Weekly New Email is issued on Mondays at 12:30, containing a summary of the biggest news stories and opinions from the previous week. Your advert is placed under our masthead and before the welcome message.
One slot available per week.